Corn field

Conditions for growing corn have deteriorated significantly in Brazil

According to a report by the Brazilian Corn Producers Association and the Brazilian Soybean Producers Association (Aprosoja), Brazil is experiencing one of the worst corn and soybean productionusaisons, the agriculture news portal reported on April 9th.

Some producers are already reporting large losses, said Glauber Silveira, president of the Corn Producers Association. Antonio Galvão, president of Aprosoja, explained that there is only one state - Rio Grande do Sul - where the soybean harvest will be larger than last year. In the remaining states it will be much lower than usual. In the state of Bahia, for example, production will be around 10% lower than last year.

In the main areas for the second maize harvest (safrinha), including Paraná, Mato Grosso, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul, temperatures were above optimum and there was no rain, resulting in low soil moisture and poor harvest conditions.

In Argentina, the Argentine corn and soybean harvest continues to be delayed due to ongoing rains. Argentina's Rosario Board of Trade reported a 30 percent delay in the corn harvest. Only 7% of soybeans have been harvested in the country, and only 3% with average yield.

Source: Ukragroconsult (Ukraine)

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