
German farmers were able to obtain concessions from the government through protests

The German federal government made concessions to farmers after a series of protests late last year.

The ruling three-party coalition will phase out diesel tax breaks for farmers over several years, rather than dramatically cutting them as originally planned to give companies more time to adjust, Politico writes.

In addition, the German government will abandon a planned tax increase for agricultural vehicles.

However, the chairman of the German Farmers' Association, Joachim Rukwied, said that the demonstrators were not satisfied with such a compromise.

“This can only be a first step,” he said. – Our position remains unchanged: both proposed cuts must be withdrawn. This is clearly about the future viability of our industry and the question of the need for domestic food production.”

Meanwhile, German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir said the government would not make any further concessions on the issue.

“We have adjusted our position on subsidies… I have not given in and will not give in. We have found a good solution. We are all sticking to this together now,” he explained.

At the same time, German farmers are planning another large demonstration for January 15th.

Source: Ukragroconsult (Ukraine)

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