
Turkey expects wheat production to grow by 23 percent

Turkey's Statistical Institute released the first official optimistic forecast for the harvest of Grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts for 2023. Crop growth is expected almost across the board compared to 2022 data.

Turkey is expected to produce 2023% more grain and grain in 4,8 Legumes (excluding forage crops) and will harvest 1,9% more fruit crops. In total, they expect to harvest 39,5 million tons of grain, of which 20,5 million tons Wheat (+3,8 million tons), 8,6 million tons of barley (+1,2%). At the level of the previous year, the harvest of Sunflower seeds remain (2,6 million tons), but the soybean harvest will be reduced to 150 thousand tons (-3%).

Turkish farmers will harvest 21,5 million tons of sugar beets (+13,2%) and 32,2 million tons of fruit crops (+1,9%). The largest increase is observed in such vegetables as cucumbers - 13,8%, and the smallest in tomatoes - 3,8%. The production of watermelons and melons will decrease by 7,3% and 9,3% respectively.

The fruit group expects a decrease in the production of apples (-1,3%), olives (-25%) and an increase in harvests of peaches, nectarines (+7,8%), cherries (+18,6%) and strawberries ( +1,6%). In the citrus group, there will be an increase across the board: the orange crop will grow by 17,2%, lemons by 13,4% and tangerines by 12,6%. Hazelnuts are harvested 4,6% less, pistachios 0,3% more and bananas 7,2% less.

Source: Ukragroconsult (Ukraine)

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