
Under what conditions can winter mustard be a good alternative to winter oilseed rape?

Winter mustard is a good alternative too winter oilseed rape and insurance against unfavorable conditions when sowing, as it will be sown later - between September 5 and September 20, depending on the region, writes The Ukrainian Farmer magazine.

The winter mustard plants make good use of the autumn moisture, so before the onset of permafrost they form a developed root, a root collar at least 8 mm in diameter and 6-8 true leaves in the rosette, which is the key to a good overwintering crop.

In addition, scientific studies indicate a yield potential of the winter mustard varieties of 3-3,5 tons/hectare and an oil content of the seeds of up to 50%.

It should be noted that the first Ukrainian winter mustard varieties Novinka, Annushka, Venus and Mishutka were developed and introduced into production by breeders of the Institute of Oil Seeds of the National Academy of Sciences. The area under cultivation in Ukraine is insignificant - 8-9% of the total mustard crops (50 thousand hectares).

In recent years, the agroclimatic conditions in the southern region have become critical for growing many spring crops. Already in the period of budding and the beginning of vegetation, high air and soil temperatures (up to +40 °C), a decrease in relative humidity (up to 30%) and a long period (40-50 days) without abundant moisture can be observed, which leads to uneven propagation and makes it impossible. Therefore, the winter mustard is a good alternative.

Source: Ukragroconsult (Ukraine)

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