
Prices for flax in Kazakhstan in the current season are below expectations

According to the monitoring by “APK-Inform”, there has been a stable price situation on the flaxseed market in Kazakhstan since the beginning of this year, which was established at the end of 2022.

Until mid-January, oil demand prices varied mostly in the range of €359-399/tonne (based on EXW basis).

The insufficiently active demand for Kazakh flax in foreign markets hinders trading activities in the country's domestic market. In addition, logistical difficulties continue to negatively impact the pace of trade.

Analysts note that Kazakh farmers' expectations of maintaining high flaxseed prices in the current season have not been met. In the last season, this culture has become extremely attractive to farmers, and the average price for the demand for it Oilseeds at a similar time was around €678/tonne on an EXW basis.

Source: APKinform (Ukraine)

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