

GrainProTrade – Walnuts wholesale at producer prices

Our company GrainProTrade supplies walnuts directly from farmers in Central Asia and Moldova on favorable terms. You can safely buy walnuts from us without worrying about the quality, as all of our products are consciously selected by our QM staff in Central Asia and thus meet the highest standards, which guarantees the expected quality of the goods. Besides the high standard, the products are sold at an affordable wholesale price. The conditions for the sale of walnuts can be specified at any time in writing or by telephone with the manager. Our team delivers ordered walnuts to our customers within 5 working days.

The main advantages of the ZusaWorking with our company:

  • the high level of professionalism of our entire team, which ensures a hassle-free delivery of high-quality walnuts in the shortest possible time;
  • an appropriate price level, since we work directly with producers in Central Asia and Moldova, e.gusamen work;
  • convenient delivery straight to you.

Contact our managers on the website or by phone. We offer high quality walnuts at an optimal price!

All about walnuts

Properties of walnuts

The chemical Zusacomposition of walnut contains: beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, H and PP, as well as the necessary minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper and manganese, Iron, phosphorus and sodium, tannins, omega-3 fatty acids and alkaloids.

The high vitamin C content is particularly noteworthy when compared to other vitamin-containing plant products, which are popularly considered leaders in this indicator: in an unripe (green) walnut, vitamin C is about 40-50 times greater than in a lemon and 8-10 times larger than in black currant. In terms of zinc content, walnut is among the top 10 plant products that are characterized by high levels of this mineral. Among nuts, it is inferior only to cedar in this indicator.

In addition to the listed vitamins and minerals, nut kernels contain fatty oil, the main components of which include glycerides of various acids (stearine, palmitic, linolenic acid, oleic acid), amino acids such as asparagine, valine, histidine, glutamine, serine, cystine, phenylalanine, as well as essential oils, tannins and proteins .

The calorie content of walnuts is 656 kcal. Nutritional value of walnuts: proteins - 16,2 g, fats - 60,8 g, carbohydrates - 11,1 g.


The walnut is a large tree 15-25 m high, in denser forests up to 30 m. The thick trunk of 1,5-2 m is covered with a gray bark, the branches form a large crown about 20 in diameter m.

The next leaves are complex, unpaired, consisting of two or five pairs of oblong ovate leaves; They are from 40 to 70 mm long and bloom at the same time as the flowers.

The flowers are separate, small, greenish, the plants are monoecious. The stamens consist of a sixfold apex and 12-18 stamens collected by hanging earrings; sessile flowers are arranged on top of annual branches, solitary or in groups of two to three, they have a double inflorescence fused with an ovary. Walnut refers to wind dust plants.

The fruits - large bone-shaped nuts - have a thick, leathery-fibrous green shell (fruit bone) and a strong ovoid or spherical bone with two to five incomplete partitions; At maturity, the fruit skin splits in two as it dries and detaches itself, the bone does not open by itself. An edible core is enclosed in a woody shell.
It usually blooms in May, at the same time as the leaves bloom. Occasionally it blooms again in June. The fruits ripen in September - October, vary greatly in size, shape, taste, shell hardness, septum development, chemical zusasetting and other indicators. The weight of one nut is 5-17 g, the kernel accounts for 40-58%.

It is renewed by seed and vegetatively. In the first year of life, seedlings form a strong core root, reaching 1,5 m by up to five years, and 20 m by the age of 3,5. From three to five years, horizontal roots develop, most of them are located in one Depth of 20-50 cm. It is perfectly renewed with a pneumatic suckling, the plants grow faster than the seedlings. Seed plants form single male inflorescences from seven to eight years, begin to bear fruit from 10-12 years. Full fruiting occurs only from 30-40 years. Growing plants form the first fruits in the second year of life and already give a considerable harvest by 10-12 years. Under favorable conditions, individual trees live up to 300-400 years, retaining the ability to bear fruit.

Technology for growing walnuts

Most often it is recommended to plant walnuts in open ground in the spring, but in southern regions this procedure can be carried out in the fall. If there is a good layer for drainage, the Zusacomposition of the soil can be absolutely arbitrary. If the soil is clayey, it is recommended to use compost or peat for improvement. When choosing a suitable place for planting, it is important to remember that it must be well lit, since this tree is very fond of light, and planting in a shady place can lead to the death of the seedling. The walnuts that stand alone in the sunniest place give the richest harvest. It should also be noted that the groundwater at the planting site should not be too close to the surface of the earth. The optimal acidity of the soil for this plant is a pH of 5,5-5,8.

It should be remembered that the flowering of male and female flowers occurs repeatedly. In this regard, if somewhere nearby (at a distance of 200-300 meters) a walnut of a different variety grows, it is very good. The wind will help to overcome such a large distance from pollen.

Before planting the seedlings, you need to examine them thoroughly. Roots and shoots on which there is rot, as well as dry and diseased ones, must be cut off. Then the root system should be immersed in a clay talker, the density of which should be like store-bought sour cream. To prepare a chatter, you need to mix water with 3 parts of clay and 1 part of rotted manure. If desired, you can infuse a remedy that stimulates the growth of the plant.

You should start caring for the plants in the garden as early as spring. In the event that the outside temperature is kept above minus 4-5 degrees in the third decade of March, it is recommended to hygienically prune this plant, and also form its crown. In the event that due to unfavorable weather conditions at that time it is not possible to prune a walnut, it can be postponed. However, it should be remembered that pruning can only be done before the start of sap movement.

This plant is quite moisture-loving. If the winter was little white and there was very little rain in the spring, the walnut will need water loader irrigation. Clean the trunk and skeletal branches from the dead bark, then they must be thoroughly washed with a solution of copper sulfate (3%). Then enliven the trunk with lime. At the same time, it is necessary to treat the plant against diseases and harmful insects for preventive purposes. And at this time seedlings are planted.

If the summer is hot and dry, then the walnut should be watered more often and plentifully. From May to the end of July, such a tree should be watered once every 2 weeks. It is not necessary to loosen the soil after watering, since such a plant will react negatively to this procedure. In this case, the weeds should definitely be removed. In summer, pests or fungi can settle on the tree. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically inspect the plant, and if harmful insects or any of the diseases are found, you need to treat the tree with appropriate insecticidal or fungicidal preparations.

Most varieties of this plant collect fruit in the fall. The ripening period of the fruit directly depends on the variety of the plant, and harvesting of ripe fruit can be from late August to the last days of October. After the nuts are harvested, you should prepare the plant for overwintering. To do this, when all the leaves fall, you need to make a sanitary pruning, collect all the fallen leaf plates and cut shoots, process the plant to kill existing pests and disease-causing bacteria. Then you need to whiten the trunk and base of the skeletal cells with lime. Young trees and seedlings need to be prepared for the onset of winter frosts.

walnut products

Walnuts are used in their natural form and are used in cooking various dishes, in Asian cuisine they are flavored with meat. Halva is made from walnuts, all kinds of savory sauces are prepared. In a confectionery with nuts, cakes, cookies and cakes are prepared and added to ice cream. Any salad will get an unusual flavor by adding a few crushed walnut kernels. Green walnut jam is very popular.

All parts of the plant have been used in medicine. In ancient times, walnut kernels, which are similar to the brain, were believed to have a positive impact on the development of the human mind. Walnuts are a good tool for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. They are recommended to use with a lack of vitamins and iron in the body, with anemia and lack of milk in nursing mothers as a means to relieve fatigue and fatigue. They lower cholesterol and have a mild diuretic effect.

Walnut oil is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin, promotes healing of wounds, non-healing ulcers, cracks, is effective in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, varicose veins; protects the body from the effects of carcinogenic substances. It is useful for elderly people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, diabetes.

Walnut leaves have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and antimicrobial properties.

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