The Harvest of Grains and Legumes in Ukraine is located on an area of 5,5 million Hektar (or 49% of planned) carried out, of which 20,8 million Tonnen Grains can be harvested with an average yield of 38,1 hundredweight/hectare. This was reported on August 12 by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.
They are:
- Wheat is harvested on 3,8 million hectares (82% of planned), 15,4 million tons harvested with a yield of 40,1 hundredweight/hectare;
- Barley is harvested on 1,4 million hectares (89%), 4,9 million tons harvested at a yield of 34,4 hundredweight/hectare;
- Peas are harvested on 106 thousand hectares (95%), 239 thousand tons are harvested with a yield of 22,4 hundredweight/hectare.
Thus agricultural producers of Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk areas shredded more than 2 million tons each, 5 more areas which crossed one million of harvest of crops. The highest yield of grain and legumes is set in the Khmelnitka region – 62 hundredweight/hectare.
It is also specified that the Nikolaev and Zakarpatye areas finished harvesting cultures of the early group.
In addition, the harvest of winter oilseed rape carried out in Ukraine on an area of 1,042 million hectares (95% of the plan), from which 2,9 million tons of seeds are harvested with a yield of 27,9 hundredweight/hectare.