freight train

Ukrzaliznytsia and Deutsche Bahn have agreed to jointly develop rail freight transport

The heads of the railways of Ukraine and Germany agreed to coordinate efforts and jointly develop rail freight transport between the countries. The parties noted that Germany – Ukraine freight traffic has increased by 25% in recent years, while rail freight traffic has increased slightly. The main profit of the turnover of goods was secured by other means of transport, so Ukrzaliznytsia and Deutsche Bahn will coordinate their efforts to direct freight traffic from other means of transport to the railway.

The parties noted that the most promising regions for the development of rail freight transport are the western regions of Ukraine. In order to activate rail freight transport, Ukrzaliznytsia and Deutsche Bahn will develop customer-centric logistics solutions that will allow offering a corresponding level of service to customers. At the same time, the level of service for companies conducting cargo transportation from Germany should be as high as for deliveries from Ukraine.

Ukraine is interested in the transportation of Grains to Germany and other EU countries. The implementation of these plans requires a tighter focususammen work between Ukraine and European railways. As an example, Ukrzaliznytsi management introduced the construction of a transshipment complex in Chopa. It allows loading and unloading Grains both in road and rail transport. For example, to overload the grain from European railway wagons (1435 mm) to the gauge wagons of 1520 mm and vice versa.

The heads of the railways of Ukraine and Germany discussed topical issues related to the development of transit rail traffic. Above all, the parties want to expand rail freight transport from China to Europe as part of the development of the New Silk Road. In addition, Ukrzaliznytsia and Deutsche Bahn are interested in developing freight traffic from India and Iran within the framework of the South-West-South transport corridor.

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