German Farmers' Union

A decline in grain production is expected in Germany

The German Farmers' Association (DBV) has the forecast for the entire grain production in the country in 2022/23 at 41,2 million Tonnen delivered, which is 3% below the previous season's result, reports Reuters.

In particular, the Gross Wheat Harvest with 20,7 million tons (-4% per year), Barley with 10,3 million tons (-1%), Corn with 4,5 million tons (compared to the previous year), Rye with 3 million tons (-3%), Triticale with 1,9 million tons (-3%) and Oats with 0,7 million tons (-6%) expected.

Experts point out that during the sowing season of winter crops, weather conditions were favorable, and in winter there was enough precipitation in much of the country. However, continued drought and low temperatures have affected crop health and reduced yield prospects.

The DBV analysts also have a forecast for the production of this year winter oilseed rape delivered in Germany – 3,7 million tons, which is 6% more than in 2021/22. It should be noted that in view of the high oil prices in the 2023/24 season, an expansion of the cultivated area for Rapeseeds is expected in the country.

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