On October 6th the harvest of Grains and Legumes in Ukraine to 6,9 million Hektar (62% of planned) carried out, of which 26,4 million Tonnen Grains can be harvested at a yield of 38,4 quintals per hectare.
On average, the course of the harvest on the report date looks like this:
- Wheat is harvested by 4,7 million hectares (100%), with a yield of 41 hundredweight/hectare, 19,2 million tons were harvested;
- Barley is harvested on 1,6 million hectares (100%), with a yield of 34,8 centners/hectare, 5,5 million tons are harvested;
- Peas are harvested on 110 thousand hectares (98%), with a yield of 22,8 centners/hectare, 251 thousand tons are harvested;
- Corn per grain is harvested on 96 thousand hectares (2,3%), with a yield of 41,7 hundredweight/hectare, 400 thousand tons are harvested;
- Buckwheat is harvested on 58 thousand hectares (49%), with a yield of 14,8 centners/hectare, 85 thousand tons are harvested;
- Millet is harvested on 34 thousand hectares (76%), with a yield of 22,6 hundredweight per hectare, 77 thousand tons are harvested.
In addition, the harvest of Oilseeds continued. That's how it became sunflower already harvested on 1,3 million hectares (28%), from which 2,6 million tons of seeds were harvested with a yield of 20 hundredweight per hectare. The Harvest of Soybean was carried out on 211 thousand hectares (14%), 505 thousand tons were harvested with a yield of 23,9 hundredweight/hectare.