harvest time

In Ukraine, grain remains unharvested for 15 percent of the area

As of December 1st Grains and Legumes in Ukraine to 9,4 million Hektar ground, which accounts for 85% of the planned areas, of which 41,9 million Tonnen Grains were collected with an average yield of 44,4 quintals/hectare. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

As mentioned, there is now a collection of Late Group cultures:

  • Corn is milled on 2,5 million hectares (60%), 15,5 million tons milled (yield: 61,3 hundredweight/hectare);
  • Buckwheat is ground on 115 thousand hectares (98%), 157 thousand tons (13,6 hundredweight/hectare) ground;
  • Millet is ground on 42,9 thousand hectares (96%), 99,5 thousand tons (23,2 hundredweight/hectare) are ground.

The sunflower harvest was carried out on 4,6 million hectares (97%) of which 9,9 million tons of seeds were ground with a yield of 21,7 hundredweight per hectare. Soybean is ground at 3,6 million tons with a yield of 24,2 hundredweight per hectare, the uranium area is 1,5 million hectares (98%).

Sugar beets have accumulated 8,6 million tons with a yield of 498 quintals/hectare. In total, beets are dug up on an area of ​​​​173,5 thousand hectares (97%).

Most of the grain and legumes were ground by agricultural producers of Vinnytsia region - 3,7 million tons. In second place Kirovograd – 3,4 million tons. The third position is occupied by Dnepropetrovsk - almost 3 million tons. The highest yield of cereals and legumes among farmers in the Khmelnitka region is 67,4 hundredweight/hectare.

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