In the Ukrainian ports of the Danube and Greater Odessa prices for the demand for Wheat slightly up after last week's results.
Prices are supported by the positive dynamics of deliveries of the Ukrainian grain and supports the hope of its preservation. The price increase has been fueled by the strength of the domestic market against the background of deterrent sales from farmers and increased competition in procurement between traders and processors. If at the beginning of the grain agreement most traders concentrated on exporting the accumulated stocks, grain purchases in the released deep-sea ports have been intensified in recent weeks.
The export of Grains However, from the Black Sea ports is slower than we would like, so the prices remained at a low level, corresponding to the prices in the Danube ports.
The prices according to demand Wheat of class 2, 3 and feed with delivery to the ports of Danube and Great Odessa are at the end of last week at 180-205, 170-200 and 140-170 $/Tonne gone up.