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Soybean seed ends in Brazil

According to Confrom monitoring, 3% of the planned areas (+91% per week) were in use by December 5rd. Soybean planted in Brazil, which is slightly inferior to last year's figure (95%).

Sowing in Parana State is virtually complete, but hot and dry conditions are delaying field work in the south of the country, particularly in Rio Grande do Sul, while Matopiba State is hampering sowing with excess rainfall.

Erratic rainfall and high temperatures in the central-western regions of Brazil are raising concerns about crop health, so December weather conditions, particularly the frequency of rainfall, will be critical to the formation of the oilseed crop.

The sowing of Corn the first harvest on December 3rd was carried out on 71% of the planned areas (+2% per week; 78% a year earlier). the wheat harvest is also virtually complete - 92% of the plan's acreage has been set aside (+5% per week), while the harvest campaign has been virtually complete (99%) during this period last year.

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