According to the results of 2021/22, 18,7 million were shipped from Ukraine to the external market Tonnen Wheat, 13% higher than an indicator for the 2020/21 season (16,6 million tons).
The main importers of Ukrainian Grains are Egypt and Indonesia already this season - at the end of the season their shares in the total export volume amounted to 16% and 14%, respectively (2,9 million tons and 2,5 million tons in kind). At the same time, Egypt has made purchases from Ukrainian Wheat compared to the 2020/21 season 19% and Indonesia up 2%. The third position in the ranking of the main importers of wheat was occupied by Turkey - its imports increased more than twice compared to the previous season from 2 thousand tons to 794,0 million tons and the share in total exports increased from 1,9% to 5%.
Analysts estimate that the expected reduction in the gross grain harvest compared to the previous season in 2022/23 will be 86% from 52,3 million tons to 39 million tons. Given this and the limited capacity of Ukraine's export infrastructure, the export potential of wheat could be around 12 million tons, which is 36% below the 2021/22 total.