As of October 20, Ukraine is within the “grain corridor” of 362 ships with a cargo actually 8 million Tonnen departed. The volume of the Wheat Deliveries is 2,4 million tons, including 537.000 tons to countries in need. It's about countries like Kenya, Somalia, Lebanon, Sudan and others. But especially 650 thousand tons Wheat are delivered to African countries, which accounts for 26,8% of the total volume.
It makes it clear that part of Ukrainian wheat, which is a leading exporter of Flour and finished products from it are delivered to Turkey, will also go to countries that need food. Currently, the total share of wheat sent to Turkey is 20,2% (or 489.597 thousand tons).
The Ministry also pointed out that the sixth ship under the World Food Program of the United Nations is currently being loaded in the Black Sea port. The PANGEO ship will deliver 40.000 tons of wheat to Yemen. The ship is expected to be at sea later this week.