In 2022/23, Ukraine expects to receive about 65-70 million Tonnen Grains and Oilseeds exported. It's about 22 million tons of residues from the previous harvest and 38 to 43 million tons from this year's harvest. This forecast was announced during the online briefing by First Deputy Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky, the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture announced on September 2.
According to T. Vysotsky, the optimal level of utilization of capacities of highways, river ports and railroads - about 3 million tons per month - is reached today.
The Ministry of Agricultural Policy is currently working on increasing the volume of cargo flowing through the seaport grain corridor and through the railways. The goal is 5-6 million tons of total agricultural export per month.
Taras Vysotsky
Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine
One of the main problems of Ukrainian farmers, as T. Vysotsky noted, is the increase in production costs, since high energy prices mean high prices for fertilizer and fuel, while rather expensive logistics remain.
While Ukrainian farmers sell their products at a price that barely covers the costs. Our goal is to give them the opportunity to invest in their production.
Taras Vysotsky
Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine