As of July 9th Wheat in France according to the FranceAgriMer-Monitoring for 14% of the area of the plan (+9% per week) harvested, while the harvest campaign had just begun at the reporting date last year (1%). Also, 50% of the areas under durum wheat (+24%) were harvested, compared to 15% the year before.
As already mentioned, the condition of wheat seeds has deteriorated somewhat and 63% of them were in good and excellent condition compared to 64% a week earlier (79% - on the same date last year). The proportion of wheat planted by Status in this state is 56% as a week before (66% a year before).
Also in the country the harvest goes from Barley further: 83% of the areas of the plan are harvested under winter grain (+ 40% per week; a year earlier – 9%), under the spring – 14% (+ 9% per week; last year – 1%).