sunflower field

Weather conditions have reduced EU maize and sunflower yields

The weather conditions observed in Europe since the beginning of September have overall contributed to the harvesting of summer crops and the sowing of the 2023 winter crop. Only in the north of Italy, in Bulgaria, in the south of Spain and in the east of Romania were there droughts and rainfall deficits, like this MARS reported in October.

Nevertheless, experts have the EU yield forecasts for Corn reduced - this number was reduced to 6,39 from 6,34 in September Tonnen/Hektar reduced (-20% per year; -19% to the average of the last 5 years).

The forecast for the yield of Sunflowers was also from 2,05 to 1,97 tons/hectare (-17%; -16%) and from Soybean reduced from 2,40 to 2,37 tons/hectare (-16; -18%).

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