For the first nineteen weeks of the current agricultural season, which began July 1, the shipments are from Canadian Wheat abroad by 55% compared to the same period last year to 8,8 million Tonnen increased, according to the Canadian Grain Commission. The export of Soft wheat rose by 56% to more than 7 million tons and exports of Durum wheat rose 54% to more than 1,7 million tons, reports Korn Online.
According to the data, an unprecedented wheat harvest of 33,8 million tons, up 52% from last season when the drought literally destroyed crops and 10% above the average for the past five seasons, helped restore export levels.
The US Department of Agriculture estimates that Canada has 26 million tons Wheat can export, which is 71% above the export volume of the last season and 16% above the average of the last 5 seasons.
Source: agro sector (Kazakhstan)