
The experts at the Rosario exchange have lowered their forecast for the wheat harvest in Argentina

The analysts of the grain exchange Rosario have the forecast for the wheat production in Argentina by 2022 million in 23/1,5 Tonnen reduced to the previously expressed estimate - to 15 million tons, which is also 35% lower than the previous season's production, reports Reuters.

Experts attribute the downward revision for the ongoing drought and frosts in key wheat-growing regions, particularly Cordoba and Santa Fe, to the country's ongoing drought. In particular, Santa Fe is experiencing a sharp drop in grain production calculated – by 48% per year to 2,6 million tons.

It is also forecast that the area under grain production in Argentina will increase by almost 2022 in 23/400.000 Hektar will shrink to 5,9 million hectares per year. The average grain yield is expected to be 2,72 tons/hectare.

Recall that experts from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange have lowered the forecast for wheat production in the country by 5,7% from the preliminary estimate to 16,5 million tons, while according to their estimate, wheat production in 2021/22 is 22,4 million tons of fraud.

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