On June 4, 2022, Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 2022/870 on interim trade liberalization measures came into force. This decision complements the opportunities available to Ukrainian exporters in accordance with the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine said. Now the tariffs set out in the agreement are temporarily suspended.
In particular, it is about:
- tariffs on industrial products;
- suspension of the entrance fee system for fruit and vegetables;
- suspension of all tariff quotas for agricultural products;
- suspension of anti-dumping duties on imports of goods from Ukraine;
- suspension of the application of global protective measures against Ukrainian goods.
The liberalization of trade relations, in turn, provides that Ukraine will comply with European rules: the origin of goods and the relevant procedures under the Association Agreement, abstinence from new import restrictions from the EU, respect for democratic principles, human rights and fundamental freedoms through Ukraine, the rule of law, the fight against corruption.
The new rules will be valid for 1 year and will help Ukrainian manufacturers and exporters weather the burden of war and strengthen their position in the European market.