According to the National Association of Oilseed Processors, the gross collection of Sunflower seeds in 2022/23, if weather conditions are favorable during the harvest season, around 1,1 million Tonnen be.
A preliminary estimate of the gross collection of Sunflower seeds is carried out taking into account actual average monthly rainfall, cultivated areas, average annual yield (excluding dry seasons) and monitoring data.
However, this volume is not enough to cover internal needs. To date, the processing capacities of Sunflowers more than 3 million tons, compared to the expected 1,1 million tons of seeds. So, in the new 2022/23 oil processing plants will again face shortages, as demand is more than 3 times higher than supply. Here imports from Russia will help us to a certain extent. However, the relevant ministries must take into account the situation on the world market, especially in Ukraine, which is the leader in the production of sunflower seeds, where there are great risks of not receiving a harvest due to the ongoing military situation.
Added to this is the drought in Europe, which has also revised downwards the valuation of the oilseed crop, as well as the reduction in olive oil production (from 10 to 11% according to preliminary estimates). In this situation, it is necessary to minimize possible risks and take measures to curb the export of raw materials.
Yadıkar Ibrahimov
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Union of Oil Refiners of Kazakhstan