As of August 9th, UK agricultural crops had been harvested at 63% of the planned area, which is well above the average for the last 5 years (40%) according to AHDB monitoring.
Including winter wheat has already been 65% of the planned 1,8 million Hektar (+1% per year) while the average result over the last 5 years is 23%. The yield of Grains ranges from 5 to 14 Tonnen/hectare (Flour – in the range of 7-11,5 tonnes/hectare). Wheat production is expected at 14,33 million tonnes.
The Harvest of Winter barley in the country is fully completed (in the last 5 years – 87%), the yield is 7,2-7,4 tons/hectare (on average in 5 years – 6,9 tons/hectare) and the spring crop harvest is on 23 (10)% of the planned areas implemented. The total barley crop in the UK is estimated at 6,75 million tonnes.
In addition, the harvest campaign of the winter oilseed rape completed - 95% of the area of the plan is mowed. It is expected that farmers will harvest up to 1,1 million tons of oil crops (2021/22 – 981 thousand tons).