harvest time

The gross production of Russian grain is significantly higher than the previous year

As of September 8, the gross collection of Grains and Legumes in Russia to 126,5 million Tonnen estimated, which significantly exceeds the figure at the same time last year (96 million tons), reports the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. It is found that the harvest is already at 36,1 (2021: 35,9 million Hektar) has taken place, the average yield is 35 (26,7) quintals/hectare.

As stated, will Wheat harvested on 24,2 million hectares of which 92,7 million tonnes at a yield of 38,3 hundredweight/hectare as of the report date. the Barley is harvested on 7,1 million hectares, 22,2 million tons with a yield of 31,4 hundredweight/hectare. Of the Corn is harvested from 35,4 thousand hectares, the degree of grinding is 202,6 thousand tons, the yield is 57,3 centners/hectare.

The sunflower is harvested with 349,8 thousand hectares, 790,4 thousand tons with a yield of 22,6 hundredweight/hectare. Rapeseeds is harvested from 1 million hectares, 2,5 million tons, the yield is 24,1 hundredweight/hectare. Soybean is harvested with 111,5 thousand hectares, 240 thousand tons are harvested with a yield of 21,5 hundredweight/hectare.

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