harvest time

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation expects to collect 125-127 million tons of grain in 2023

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture expects 2023 to 125 million in 127 Tonnen Grains to collect, the goal for Wheat is around 80 to 85 million tons, reports Interfax.

“According to estimates by the Ministry of Agriculture, a gross solution of 125 to 127 million tons Grains align the interests of producers, consumers and grain exporters. The goal for Wheat for next year is 80-85 million tons,” said a statement from the authority after the meeting held by Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev.

The Ministry of Agriculture has created a structure of cultivated areas for the 2023 harvest, aimed at balancing the supply in the agricultural market and the maximum yield of crop production. According to the head of the department, next year the total area will increase by about 50 thousand Hektar grow and exceed 82 million hectares.

The area under grain and Legumes will provisionally amount to 47,6 million hectares, which is 136.000 hectares more than this year. "At the same time, the authority currently sees the need to reduce the wheat areas by almost 0,5 million hectares in order to support price equalization and to stabilize the domestic market in the interests of all parties involved, as well as to realize the record harvest of the current year," says the statement .

According to the plans of the Ministry of Agriculture, it is necessary to increase the area under spring barley by 400 thousand hectares and under legumes, in particular Peas, to increase at least 125 thousand hectares to maintain the stability of crop rotation.

According to the experts referred to by the Department, the world market for these crops is sufficiently large and Russia can strengthen its position on it. In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with exporters, plans to launch an export program for Barley, Peas and to develop other legumes.

The area under socially sensitive cultures like Rice and Buckwheat is planned just over the current year and is sufficient to meet everyone's needs, stresses the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, for the next year there will be an increase in areas under sugar beet and Soybean announced. The sowing of Sunflowers needs at least 9,8 million hectares, oil flax at least 2,2 million hectares, which is larger than the original plan.

According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, the structure of the acreage will be formed as a whole and will be fully approved by December 20.

Source: oleoscope (Russian)

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