agricultural analytics


Russian grain and wheat harvest and export forecasts for the 2024/25 marketing season

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture maintains its previous forecast for the grain harvest this year at 132 million tonnes, of which 86 million tonnes Wheat, but the ministry points out that the forecast may be adjusted as the harvest progresses. Grain exports could reach 60 million tons in the current marketing year. In its July report, the International Grains Council (IGC) revised the forecast for...
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Russia's wheat harvest could fall to 77,5 million tons

The analysis center Rusagrotrans has lowered its forecast for the grain harvest from 140,1 million tons to 130,9 million tons in the optimistic scenario. Wheat crop potential was reduced to 89,9 million tonnes from 84,2 million tonnes, down from 92,8 million tonnes last year. At the same time, the lower limit of the wheat forecast, taking into account the current worsening of the drought in the south and the occurrence of “dry…
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Questionable tariffs. What possible restrictions could there be on the import of Russian agricultural products into the EU?

The European Commission had already considered raising import duties on deliveries of Grains, oilseeds and their processing from Russia. The main goal of Western officials is to protect EU farmers and prevent them from earning income for special promotions. However, the EU market itself did not ask to protect it from Russian agro-industrial products. And…
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Customs duties

From July 1st, the EU will impose punitive tariffs on grain imports from Russia and Belarus

Die Zölle auf Getreide, Ölsaaten und deren Verarbeitungserzeugnisse werden so weit erhöht, dass ihre Einfuhr unrentabel wird. Die Maßnahmen werden auch die Einfuhr von Peas und Rübenschnitzelpellets betreffen. Nach Ansicht von Getreidemarktexperten wird die Erhöhung der Zölle jedoch keine wesentlichen Auswirkungen auf die russischen Getreideexporte haben. Der EU-Rat hat from dem 1. Juli prohibitive Zölle auf Getreideeinfuhren aus Russland und…
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olive oil

European olive oil stocks are running out

Local olive oil stocks in Europe are almost depleted and further shortages are expected after extreme weather damaged the second year's crop. Heat waves around the Mediterranean have damaged crops and forced growers to import from South America. The world's largest producer said it had to import supplies from South America to meet demand. "It's almost...
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USA lose world market leadership in maize exports

For more than 50 years, U.S. farmers have dominated the international corn market and export more Corn than any other country, reports UkrAgroConsult, citing Bloomberg. In the 2022/23 agricultural year, which ended on August 31st, the USA gave up the lead in corn exports to Brazil and will probably never regain it again. According to the USDA, the USA in the…
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Sugar beet

European farmers take sugar beets out of the crop rotation

Sugar prices in Europe have increased by 61% compared to last year. The reason for this was the suspension of the exemptions for seeds treated with neonicotinoids by the EU Court of Justice. Beet growers could be forced out of business if the EU goes ahead with plans to reduce pesticide use, as yield losses could wipe out farmers' profit margins, reports Food Ingredients...
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Is the world facing a growing food crisis?

Although global food prices have fallen for the last nine months in a row, they remain at record levels for several decades. And the light at the end of the tunnel is not visible - on the contrary, production is falling and the number of hungry people is increasing. Against this background, Russia's role in ensuring global food security will be strengthened. The prices of basic foods are…
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The US Department of Agriculture has downgraded its wheat harvest forecast

Global wheat harvests are falling. Currently the total is 780,59 million tonnes, which is 2 million tonnes lower than forecast in November. The leading countries (Argentina, Australia, Canada, the EU, Russia and Ukraine) will collect a total of only 328,72 million tons of wheat against the planned 330,8 million tons. Will the current situation affect the agricultural market in Russia, the cost of grain in…
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Sunflower in Ukraine 2023. The areas are increasing, and how to increase the harvest?

The later threshing of Soybean and Sunflowers has reduced the sowing of winter crops, which means that the area under spring crops is increased. The cost of transporting corn does not make it economically attractive, so a reduction in their areas is predicted. The western regions are relying on an increase in soy, the southern ones are sunflower, the central ones are increasing both crops.…
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Cognitive Pilot will develop a soil analysis robot

Developer of AI systems for robotic agricultural machines The company Cognitive Pilot (a subsidiary of Sbera and Cognitive Technologies) has launched a project to develop a complex for agronomic analysis of ZusaMeasurement and soil condition of Cognitive Soil Analyzer and its promotion in domestic and foreign markets announced. The Cognitive Pilot won the Russian Ministry of Trade competition for the development of the project…
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State of the world's soils in 2022

December 5th is World Soil Day, and on this day the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reminded us that 95% of the food we consume comes directly or indirectly from our soils. Even artificial meat grown from pea protein requires no less soil nutrients than wheat or potatoes. However, when the soil degrades quickly, our nutrition loses...
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Global agricultural production growth has hit its lowest level in 60 years

Increasing agricultural productivity helps farmers meet the food needs of the world's growing population while using relatively fewer resources. One of the most informative indicators of agricultural productivity is general factor productivity (factor productivity), which shows the efficiency with which agricultural resources are combined to produce products. Unlike single-factor performance indicators, such as B. Yield per…
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The world and Russian linseed oil market

According to recent estimates from the UN-FAO and national statistical offices, global linseed oil production fell by 2021% to 3,8 thousand tons in 792,9. In previous years, global linseed oil production grew by 2019% in 2,6 and by 2020% in 2,4. In 2020, production reached a historic high of 824,2 thousand tons. The main reason for the growth was the increase…
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The agricultural sector of the Russian Federation is expanding its power

The most important achievement of last year for Russian agriculture is the record amount of added value produced. The Ministry of Agriculture claims that in 2021 it increased by 23% to 4,4 trillion rubles, which is significantly larger than the growth dynamics of 2020 (8,2%). At the same time, according to Rosstat, there was a decline in real production last year: the index for production…
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Food from Russia is difficult to bring to foreign markets

Authorities report record grain profits from the current harvest. Russia's statistics agency Rosstat reports that more than 150 million tons of grain were collected, compared to the Agriculture Ministry's forecast of 140 million tons. This could be an all-time record. At the same time, progress in the export of processed agricultural raw materials is much more modest. The export of flour from Russia is more…
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