
Soybean harvest in Brazil could exceed 2022 million tons in 23/150

Analysts from Safras&Mercado forecast that the production of Soybean in Brazil in 2022/23 can 151,5 million Tonnen achieve, which is 20,3% above the result of the current season (125,88 million tons).

An increase in the oilseed harvest is expected due to a further expansion of the cultivated area - by 2,6% per year to a record 42,88 million Hektar and in favorable weather conditions. It is noted that despite the increasing total costs of cultivation, the oilseed area of ​​Brazilian producers is supported by the high profitability of Soybeans Due to rising world prices, this leads to an increase in cultivated areas.

Brazilian soybean yield in the current season is forecast at 2021 tons/hectare in 22/3,55 versus 3,03 tons/hectare.

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