Sunflower oil

Austria increases oilseed harvest in 2022

The Austrian statistical office estimates that the total production of oil plants in the country will reach 2022 in 473.000 Tonnen exceeded, which is 7% above the previous year's result. The current gross fee is 12% above the average of the last 10 years.

As mentioned in the statute, Austrian farmers could harvest from Soybeans this year increase by 4% to 245,6 thousand tons. The increase occurred against the background of the expansion of cultivated areas under culture by 22% – to 93,7 thousand Hektar.

Areas of rapeseed remained the same, although the high yield per hectare increased oil production in the country by 6% year-on-year to 91 thousand tons.

Note that the gross grain harvest in Austria this year fell by 2% to 5,2 million tons.

"Die wheat harvest will reach 1,7 million tons (+ 10% per year), Corn — 2,1 million tons (-13%), Barley — 758,3 thousand tons (+ 3%), Triticale — 289,5 thousand tons (+ 10%), Rye – 167,6 thousand tons (+ 11%), Oats – Estimated at 84,2 thousand tons (-5%),” the statement reads.

Source: oleoscope (Russian)

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